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(2022). Non-participation in smartphone data collection using research apps. JRSSA.


(2022). The Precision of Estimates of Nonresponse Bias in Means. JSSAM.

(2021). Comparing Estimates of News Consumption from Survey and Passively Collected Behavioral Data. POQ.

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(2021). Annotation Sensitivity: Training Data Collection Methods Affect Model Performance. EMNLP.

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(2021). Panel Conditioning in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey. Journal of Official Statistics.

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(2020). Design for a Mail Survey to Determine Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Antibodies in the United States. SRM.


(2020). Motivated Misreporting in Smartphone Surveys. SSCR.

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(2019). Misreporting Among Reluctant Respondents. JSSAM.

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(2018). Evaluating the Quality of Survey and Administrative Data with Generalized Multitrait-Multimethod Models. JASA Applications.

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(2014). Assessing the Mechanisms of Misreporting to Filter Questions in Surveys. POQ.

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(2014). Sampling Nomads: A New Technique for Remote, Hard-to-Reach, and Mobile Populations. JOS.

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(2011). Performance of the Half-Open Interval Missed Housing Unit Procedure. SRM.

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